Shining Light Foundation

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Organization Name: Shining Light Foundation

Program Name: SLF, "Funding Student Participation"

Program Director: Carolyn French, Ph.D.

Email: carolyn.french@ubs.com

Physical Address: Lafayette Public School System

Mailing: P. O. Box 60602, Lafayette, LA 70596

Phone: 337-266-6055

Amount Requesting: $2,000

Is your organization able to accept partial funding for this program? Yes

Is the requested funding part of a matching program? Yes – 100%

Does your organization have a "CURRENT" DONORSense profile? Yes

Brief Summary of the proposed project (100 words or less).

The goal of the project is to provide instruments, equipment and supplies, field trips and tutoring services to Lafayette Parish public school students, in kindergarten through sixth grade whose families cannot afford to provide them. Services are provided to individual students, rather than to groups, based on needs as identified by teachers, counselors and principals.

Shining Light Foundation

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2011 CFA Pugh Family Fund Grant

SLF, "Funding Student Participation"

Brief Summary of the proposed project:

The goal of the project is to provide instruments, equipment and supplies, field trips and tutoring services to Lafayette Parish public school students, in kindergarten through sixth grade whose families cannot afford to provide them. Services are provided to individual students, rather than to groups, based on needs as identified by teachers, counselors and principals.

Are you seeking funding for this project for a single year or for multiple years?

We are requesting funds for a two year project designed to increase participation in school activities and band for students who would be unable otherwise to participate.

List the Strategies; measurable objectives, and a timetable for the program:

Strategies: Throughout the school year the SLF will receive applications from teachers, band directors and counselors for funds so that individual students in Lafayette Public Schools grades K-6 can participate in school activities with their classes and other special activities requested by school personnel.

The board of directors will review applications and provide funds accordingly. A committee consisting of members of the Board of Directors, including educators, will review the applications and make recommendations regarding funding. A quorum of the members of the Board of Directors votes on approvals, and checks are mailed directly to the schools for funding field trips or other specific curriculum needs.

For musical instruments, students whose applications are approved for funding are notified by their band directors. These students, together with their parents or guardians, select an instrument from participating local retailers and rental agencies.

Measurable objectives: We count the number of students who accomplished the activities for which the funds were awarded, and the school representatives' evaluations of the impact these funded activities have on the students' academic, cultural, and personal enrichment, including:

  1. Knowledge gained from the activity

  2. Bonding with classmates through shared experiences

  3. Increased peer group identification and acceptance

  4. Increased access to positive role models

  5. Enhanced self esteem

  6. Potential for cultivation of interests and talents

  7. Affirmation of community awareness and support

Timetable: This project began on August 1, 2011 and will conclude on July 31, 2013.

Shining Light Foundation

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Community Assessment:

List the compelling reason for this project, how many people will the grant affect?

Compelling Reason:

Lafayette Parish suffers from a significant number of low-income families. The mission of the Shining Light Foundation (SLF) is to serve the children of these families by providing grants to allow students in K-6 to participate in special activities that would be otherwise unaffordable to them. Children who participate in music, field trips and tutoring have greater success in school, socialization and community participation. Applicants will not have musical instruments, supplies, field trip or tutoring without our help.

Number of families affected:

Applications have averaged approximately 100-125 per year. In a two year project, we expect 200-250 students will benefit. Applications have increased with expansion of our program to include sixth grade and increased awareness of our program. SLF fills a niche that would be otherwise overlooked, save for the generosity of some teachers who often pay fees out of their own pockets to benefit some disadvantaged students. Through the donations to SLF, the children can be helped without burdening the hearts of their teachers.

At the end of the school year, participation results will be compiled and the impact of funded activities will be assessed by participating teachers, band directors, counselors and principals.

Are other organizations providing a similar service?

There are no other similar organizations in this area.

List the other organizations that you are working with to be more effective.

The Shining Light Foundation has channeled community resources, private donations, and grants into current programs that continue to provide funding for musical instruments, academic tutoring, school supplies, and field trips. Since inception, the Shining Light Foundation has received grants from the Junior League of Lafayette, the Gannett Foundation, the Kiwanis Club, Walmart, Albertson's, Chevron, UBS Financial Services, Citigroup, the Realtors' Association, and numerous private donors. Of the 23 elementary schools in Lafayette Parish, 22 have participated in the program. School principals, counselors, classroom teachers and band directors work closely with us to identify students who need assistance. Principals co-operate in receiving and dispensing our funds.

Plan for sustainability, what are your long-term plans for sustaining this program?

The board of directors has applied for future funding with matching grants from UBS Financial Services, Chevron, and other corporate entities. Board members' contributions to United Way have been specifically designated to fund Shining Light Projects. Individual donors consistently provide funding on a regular basis. The SLF has reserves of approximately $20,000 to begin the project but will need additional funds to expand our services as requested by the participating schools.

Has your Board approved this project if funding is received?

The Board of Directors of the Shining Light Foundation unanimously approved this project if funding is received.

Shining Light Foundation

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Amount requesting: $2,000.00

Are you seeking funding for single year or multiple years?

At this time we are seeking for 2-years the amount of $1,000 per year.

State whether or not you can accept partial funding for this program.

The Shining Light Foundation will accept partial funding and will modify the extent of our services accordingly. We will deny requests for funds in excess of our financial capabilities.

Is the requested funding part of a matching program?

Yes. Board Members have pledged to a 100% match for all funds received from the Pugh Family Foundation.

Other requests for funding both pending and approved.

Chevron Humankind Foundation - $500- Pending

Program Budget:


Memberships, private funding, and other grants........................................................... $8,000

Pugh Family Fund.......................................................................................................... $2,000

TOTAL REVENUE .......................................................................................................$10,000


Musical instruments...................................................................................................... $5,000

Field Trips, Tutoring..................................................................................................... $4,800

Program materials.......................................................................................................... $ 200

TOTAL EXPENSES.................................................................................................. $10,000

The Shining Light Foundation is requesting $2,000 to underwrite the cost of renting musical

instruments and paying fees for field trips for students in Lafayette Parish Schools grades K-6.