MINUTES OF MEETING HELD: Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 6:00 pm

LOCATION:   Live Oak Wealth Advisors, 1042 Camelia Blvd, Suite 11, Lafayette, LA



Dr. Carolyn French, President

Cynthia Dauphin, Vice President                            

Sandra Wilcox, Secretary   

Rose Cormier

Kerry Douglas

Cheryl Evans

Michael Huber

Michelle Mahne Luquette

Mary Morrison

GUESTS:  Byron Reyes representing SPARK Acadiana 


On motion of Cynthia, seconded by Cheryl, the minutes of meeting held on Tuesday, May 10, 2021 were approved with correction under New Business item 8 should read “Mary” instead of “Michelle”.

Treasurer’s Report

Account Balance 8/9/2022:  $90,401.00. (Balance in Money Market  $10,997.00; Franklin Fund $29,171.00; Vanguard $50,233.00)

Scholarships: $2,500.00; Expenses:  $734.00; Donations:  $2,100.00; Interest:  $02.22; Escrow:  $375.00

Invested $78,131.62.    

New Business:

Byron Reyes made a presentation about SPARK Acadiana.  The program will begin at Edgar Martin this year and will reach 76 students who will participate in physical exercise that will be measured by heart monitors.  The expected result is an increase in test scores, attendance, and behavior.  The results will be compiled and analyzed as part of a doctoral dissertation by a graduate student of UL Lafayette.

After much discussion, the board members voted unanimously to provide the funds for heart monitors, which will cost $100.00 each.  These monitors will be used for the entire school year and in the future years.  Shining Light Foundation will provide a check for $7,600.00 to SPARK Acadiana.  

Old Business:

Carolyn, Cynthia, and Mike attended the School Board Meeting.   Carolyn presented information on The Shining Light Foundation and sent information via email to the school board office to distribute to Principals, Counselors, and Teachers.  

The board previously approved through an email vote the following requests for funds from Milton Elementary for school class fees.

$25.00 Ember Dijon

$30.00 Kyzin Broussard

$25.00 Hazeley Smith

Meeting adjourned at 6 pm.

Next meeting date will be held on September 13, 2022 at Live Oak Wealth Advisors, 1042 Camelia Blvd., Suite 11, Lafayette, LA.  Refreshments at 5:30 pm.