MINUTES of MEETING HELD Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 6:00 pm

LOCATION:  Live Oak Wealth Advisors, 1042 Camelia Blvd, Suite 11, Lafayette, LA


Dr. Carolyn French, President Mike Huber

Cynthia Dauphin, Vice President Michelle Mahne

Sandra Wilcox, Secretary Mary Morrison

Bruce Snow, Treasurer Julie Eaton

Kerry Douglas Ross Hoffman Cormier

Cheryl Evans

On motion from Mary, seconded by Cynthia, the minutes of the meeting held Tuesday, March 15, 2022 were approved.  Note that the April meeting was cancelled.

Treasurer’s Report

Account Value: $89,261.32

Money Market Balance:  $10,133.77

Scholarships: $2,805.00

Expenses: $720.66

Interest: $.85

Escrow: $375.00

Donations received: $1,600.00

Investments (mutual funds):  approximately $79,127.55 as of today’s closing

New Business

1) We received a $500.00 donation from Chevron on behalf of Bruce Snow.

2) Ross Hoffman Cormier was unanimously voted as a new member of the Shining Light Foundation.  She will serve in the role as Hospitality chair

3) Mary Morrison will serve as Program chair.

4) Cheryl will order updated SLF cards for Bruce and Carolyn.

5) Cheryl will distribute update list of board member contact information.

6) Julie will update the Shining Light Foundation letterhead to include our new board member.

7) Michelle contacted Phyllis Mouton to request she speak at one of our next board meetings.  Michelle will let us know.

8) Michelle will request to add Carolyn to speak about the Shining Light Foundation at the Lafayette Parish School Board meeting in July.

9) Carolyn mentioned the organization Spark of Acadiana that will implement the program beginning with the Fall semester of 2022-2023 based on the book Spark by Dr. John Ratey.   This is being facilitated through the “Cafe” program established by the William C. Schumacher Family Foundation. They will be requesting assistance in providing heart rate monitors for the students.  An application and more information will be sent to the board members.  

10) The board discussed possibly bringing cookies along with brochures and applications to the top 5 schools that have submitted applications.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm

Next meeting will be held on August 9, 2022 at 6:00 pm at Live Oak Wealth Advisors, 1042 Camelia Blvd., Suite 11, Lafayette, LA.  Refreshments at 5:30 pm.