MINUTES of MEETING HELD: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 6:00 pm

LOCATION:  Virtual Zoom meeting


Dr. Carolyn French, President

Cynthia Dauphin, Vice President 

Bruce Snow, Treasurer

Sandra Wilcox, Secretary 

Cheryl Evans

Michael Huber

Julie Eaton Wirth

On motion from Bruce, seconded by Mike, the minutes of the meeting held Tuesday, April 13, 2021 were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Balance:  $12,515.38

Scholarships: $3,050.00; Expenses: $329.33; Donations: $798.22; Interest: $1.36; Escrow: $375.00;  Invested: $84,593.54 as of 7/30.   

Investments as of today $97,028 (consists of $12,424 money market; $55,374 Vanguard Social Index Fund VFTAX; $29,220 Franklin Income Fund FKINX)

New Business

1) We will be receiving a $500.00 contribution from Ande Hakeman at the end of the year. If a donor makes a contribution as part of the required minimum distribution and it is paid directly to the charitable organization, no taxes are assessed.  

2) Cynthia indicated that school starts on August 12.   She emailed the information on Shining Light to her contact Jennifer who will share it with teachers and guidance counselors. Due to COVID restrictions, there will not be any teachers meeting.

3) Julie has offered to produce the Shining Light Newsletter.  Carolyn will draft the Presidents letter. Sandra will send copies of thank you letters received.  

4) Carolyn will send an email to board members to verify their contact information and to indicate their interest in continuing as a board member.   Cheryl has offered to call the board a day prior to our meeting as a reminder. 

Meeting adjourned at 6:43 pm

Next meeting will be held on September 14, 2021 via Zoom meeting.