SHINING LIGHT FOUNDATION                                                                           

MINUTES OF MEETING HELD: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 6:00 pm

LOCATION:  Virtual Zoom meeting


Dr. Carolyn French, President

Bruce Snow, Treasurer

Michael Huber

John Broussard

Cheryl Evans


On motion of Bruce, seconded by Cheryl, the minutes of meeting held on Tuesday, November 10 , 2020 were approved. 

Treasurer’s Report

Balance 10/30/2020: $14415.49

Summary for 2020/21
Scholarships:   $ 300.00
Expenses:       $223.33
Donations:      $ 300.00
Interest:       $ 0.49
Escrow:         $375.00
Invested:       $70960.60
Credit Card:    $ 0.00

New Business

  1. Recommendation of support for Boys and Girls Club- John suggested supporting a different organization that has a greater need. John will find information on Toys for Tots. Cheryl will find information on a project supported by a Rotary Club member, Angel Tree.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm.

Next meeting date will be held on January 12, 2021 via Zoom meeting.