MINUTES OF MEETING HELD: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 6:00 pm

LOCATION: 203 Waterside Drive, Lafayette, LA

Dr. Carolyn French, President                                           Cynthia Dauphin
Bruce Snow, Treasurer                                                      Michael Huber

Sandra Wilcox, Secretary                                                  Lana Swanwick 

Perry Scotola, Parliamentarian                                          Mike Huber

On motion of Cynthia, seconded by Cheryl, Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Present balance: $22,646.25; investments $54,829.85; Escrow $1,335.00;

YTD: expenses: $4,182.40; Scholarships $5,518.75; Donations $10,583.52; Interest $87.53

Bruce has switched SLF website to our own hosting site with GoDaddy. The cost is $1.17 and next year the charge will be $100.00. The website will no longer display “not secure”.

New Business

We received the Scholarship Review form from Prairie Elementary. The teacher’s name was Turner for the student Catalina Cruz with positive feedback. Sandra will update the form to include the recent board member changes. The Approval Letter and Notification forms have been updated by Sandra.

Cynthia will contact Prof Erny for the following:

  1. Confirm the instrument price list for school year 2019 to 2020.

  2. Request a list of the students who have picked up instruments for the 2018/2019 school year so that Shining Light can release funds from escrow.

Shining Light Bash for next year will be Tuesday, April 21, 2020. Mike will contact Millicent to reserve date and request what is the deposit amount.

Cynthia attempted to contact Irma Trosclair who is the acting Superintendent since Dr. Aguillard retired. Cynthia will get information on the next meeting for school teachers and counselors so that she can bring brochures and make the presentation on Shining Light.

Janice Roane, a regular donor has been hospitalized. Carolyn will send a get well card on behalf of the Shining Light Foundation Board members.

Old Business:

Cynthia has not heard a response from Millicent with Vermilionville. She will contact her via email. Board had approved a $100 Gift card. Lana had dropped off the checks from Shining Light for the Bash expenses. Bruce confirmed the checks have cleared.

Suggestions for Next Year:

Bash – suggest that next year they open the side doors so that the music won’t be as loud. Invite the Harley Davidson group to the Bash. Prepare flyers in advance for distribution in March. Carolyn has already developed the logo for the 2020 SLF Bash.

Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.

Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 6:00 pm at 203 Waterside Drive, Lafayette, LA.