MINUTES OF MEETING HELD: Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 6:00 pm

LOCATION: 203 Waterside Drive, Lafayette, LA

Dr. Carolyn French, President                                           Cynthia Dauphin
Bruce Snow, Treasurer                                                      Michael Huber

Sandra Wilcox, Secretary                                                  Lana Swanwick 

Perry Scotola, Parliamentarian                                          Mildred Baker

John Broussard

On motion of John, seconded by Bruce, Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday, April 9, 2019 were approved.

Treasurer’s Report
Present balance: $32,938.42; investments $47,570.41; Escrow $1,335.00;

YTD: expenses: $3,998.36; Scholarships $5,392.75; Donations $10,545.00; Interest $73.23

Lana will drop off the two checks to Vermilionville:  $1,425 Balance Due; $224 Bar Tab.

On motion of John, seconded by Bruce the board approved to move $10,000.00 into the Vanguard Social Fund.  Bruce will purchase through the Shining Light Account at Vanguard, then transfer into Live Oak for consolidation of accounts.

New Business
Requests from Myrtle Place Elementary for 1 student in the 5th grade to attend field trip to NASA on 5/8/2019 at a cost of $60.00:
                   Isaiah Smith

UPDATE: Carolyn called Myrtle Place on 5/8 and was informed Isaiah was not allowed to attend. The check will be voided

Request from Ridge Elementary School for 7 third grade students for field trip to a Crawfish Farm for $8.00 plus bus fee of $10.00.  Total $18.00 per student for a total cost of $126.00
                    Maelei Cole
                    Jordan Davis

                    Anthony Martinez

                    Jacob Menard

Enyidiya Onuma (name was left off the prior minutes)

                    Thinh Tran

                    Kylan Wilson

On motion of John, seconded by Lana, all of above requests were approved..

Bash - Recap


$2,320 - Tickets and Sponsorships

$   575 - T-shirts  (we have 22 left from 2019; also sold prior year T-shirts for $5.00 and included a prior year poster)

$2,895 - Total Income


$1,925 - Vermilionville (food and service)

$   224 - Vermilionville (bar tab)

$   250 - Sound System

$   493.44 - T-Shirts

$   100 - Printing (estimate)

$2,992.44 - Total Expense

We sold one ticket through Paypal for $15.00.  Bruce will have the transfer made.  One ticket also sold on EventBrite and they have already sent the transfer to the Shining Light account (included in treasurer's report above).   We had increased our number of meals to 300 and Millicent with Vermilionville adjusted down to 200.  The board unanimously agreed to thank Millicent for her assistance by purchasing a $100 Visa gift card.  Cynthia Dauphin will make the purchase.   Although the number of people declined, most conveyed they enjoyed the Bash. Two other events were competing for the same night.  The board agreed that the day before Festival International should be reserved for the Bash as most of the musicians are already in town.  We were also fortunate that John was able to get J J Callier to be the sound person for the Bash.  Shining Light paid $250 for his assistance (his normal price is almost 5 times more).   We posted a thank you on the Shining Light Facebook page to the musicians, sponsors and supporters.  John has also thanked them on his show.  Suggestion was made to schedule Carolyn on John's KRVS show to thank the musicians.   Some comments from the attendees at the Bash "We had the best time ever"; "How were you able to get some of the well known musicians?  (this is our 6th year)", "menu was the same as last year", and "J J Callier is one of the best sound people, impressed that the SLF was able to have him at the bash".  Chubby Carrier also took the lead in helping introduce the bands.  Roddie Romero and Corey Ledet were a hit with their performance.  The Board also recognized John Broussard's immense efforts in enlisting the musicians to participate in the Bash.   Patricia Gannon with The Advocate wrote an article on the Shining Light Bash that included pictures and also mentioned Hayley's son who was one of the early students who had assistance from the Shining Light Foundation.  Thanks to Lana who also enlisted the help of her niece for the T-shirt table. 

Pending - Bash donations

John had contacted Darin Guidry at Home Bank and he assured they would contribute something.  No funds have been received.  Washington State Bank - also showed some interest and we have not heard back. 

Suggestions for Next Year:

John suggested that we diversify in getting sponsors advertisers for next year.  Many are not aware of the mission of the Shining Light Foundation.  John suggested we visit with the bands who will be performing and ask them to add our event to their Facebook pages.

Other Business:

Mildred announced she will be retiring from the position of Secretary.  The Board thanked Mildred for her many years of service to the Shining Light Foundation.  Sandra Wilcox was nominated and unanimously approved as Secretary.   The SLF Letterhead, Website, and Brochures will need to be updated.   Sandra will send updates to Bruce for the website and she will get with Julie Eaton on updating the Letterhead.  She will also research who has the master to update the brochures.


Junior League of Lafayette - Carolyn attended a meeting and learned of the grant offered by the JLL.  She submitted a request for $1,500 assistance for Shining Light Foundation. 

Carolyn also mentioned that has also supported foundations.  

Dr. Don Aguillard, Superintendent of Lafayette Parish Schools has announced his retirement.   Irma Trosclair has been appointed interim Superintendent.   Carolyn has requested a meeting. 

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 at 6:00 pm at 203 Waterside Drive, Lafayette, LA.