MINUTES OF MEETING HELD: Wednesday, January 11, 2016 at 7:00 pm


LOCATION: Carolyn and Mike’s Home, 203 Waterside Dr.., Lafayette, LA


Carolyn French, President                                         John Broussard

Joseph Cilano, Executive Director                             Troy Kahler           
Michael Huber                                                           Cheryl Evans

Sandra Wilcox                                                          Kerry Douglas

Misty Carrier


Cynthia Dauphin, Vice President                                Tanya Cormier

Mildred Baker, Secretary                                           Julie Eaton

Bruce Snow, Treasurer                                              Michelle Izzo-Voss

Perry Scotola, Parliamentarian                                   Hayley LeJeune

Lana Swanwick, Hospitality                                       Don Ennis


On motion of Carolyn, seconded by Troy, Minutes of Meeting held December 14, 2016 were approved.


Treasurer’s Report
$27,985.66 – Present Balance
$  7,696.00 – Scholarships YTD

$  2,176.26 - Expenses

$  7,560.00 - Donations

$        2.29 – Interest

$28,254.53 – Escrow

$21,089.80 – Invested

$             0 – Credit card

We received a $500 donation from Dr. Ennis was deposited on 01/06/17.



Executive Director Report:
Grants Submitted: 

1)     Costco Foundation Grant $1,300.00 requested 12/29/2016. 

2)     Walmart Foundation Grant $2,500.00 requested December 2016.

3)     Cox Grant – no response.


1)     Acadiana Center for the Arts - the state has funds from the National Endowment for the Arts for funding arts program.  Due Spring of 2017. 

2)     United Way due February.  It may also contain restrictions on fund raising. 

3)     Lourdes Foundation has funds available; however, it must be directly related to health care. 

After much discussion, the board agreed to focus on the ACA application. 

Old Business

Misty Carrier presented a Survey Monkey sample e/mail survey.   It is free to use for up to 10 questions.  Process:  An e/mail will be sent to the board with specifics to include the parental contribution, musical instrument, and if the student qualifies for free lunch.   The board selects approve, not approve, or other. A text box for questions from the board is available.   The Survey Monkey dashboard keeps track of responses.   The board was informed that this method is only for urgent applications received between our scheduled meetings.   All agreed to this method.   Joe will work with Misty on the setup. 


New Business
No applications were received.


The Zydeco Bash is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25.   Festival International starts Wednesday, April 26. 

John will be contacting the musicians.   He has Chubby Carrier, Roddie Romero, and Lil Buck Senegal committed.  John is suggesting fewer musicians that can play longer for guests.   Carolyn will start on the poster design so that we can create a “Save The Date” event on Facebook. 


Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Next meeting will be held Monday, February 13, 2017 at 6:00 pm at