MINUTES OF MEETING HELD:  Monday, January 7, 2013


LOCATION: UBS Financial Services, 1021 St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA



Carolyn French, President                                                Michael Huber

Cynthia Dauphin, Vice President                                   John Broussard

Bruce Snow, Treasurer                                                     Lana Swanwick



On motion of Bruce Snow,  seconded by John Broussard, Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday, December 4, 2012 were approved.


Carolyn French inquired about the pictures taken at our December meeting.  Both Bruce and Mike agreed that they will send the pictures from our last meeting directly to Carolyn to write an article and then send it to The Daily Advertiser.


Treasurer’s Report

Present balance: $19,537.72

Donation received: Janice Roane--$100.00


New Business:


Four requests from Prairie Elementary were as follows:

          Science Museum $6.00—Total $40.00

          Entry ticket to NASA $11.00 (Parents will contribute $20.00)—Total $40.00


The Board agreed to provide financial assistance--moved by John and approved.  Dr. Carolyn French and Bruce Snow did sign Check #508 for $160.00 to be mailed to the Prairie Elementary Principal.


Michelle Izzo-Voss was ill and she did email Carolyn that was not able to attend the meeting.  Also, she did speak to the Prairie Elementary counselor regarding the student who was requesting 100% of the instrument due to losing hers in a recent house fire—December meeting. Lafayette Music donated an instrument to the child and she is no longer in need of our assistance.


The Junior League Christmas card—special wording—We are grateful for your support in our commitment to the general well being of woman and the healthy development of children. Happy Holidays and a Joyous New year


FYI: John Broussard notified the Board about a third grade student who is very concerned about passing the LEAP test. The School Counselor made a recommendation that remediation should be provided to strengthen his weaknesses in both Reading and Math. John wanted the Board to know that he felt that it should be the Mom’s responsibility to contact Sylvan Learning Center and then contact Shining Light for possible funding approval for her son at our February meeting.


Thanks Lana for being our Social Chairwoman.

Meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 5, 2013 at 5:30 pm at the UBS Office.