MINUTES OF MEETING HELD: Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 5:30 pm


LOCATION:  UBS Financial Services, 1021 E. St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA


Carolyn French, President    Sandra Wilcox
Bruce Snow, Treasurer        Cynthia Dauphin
Mildred Baker, Secretary      Michael Huber
John Broussard                Michelle Voss
Lana Swanwick


On motion of Bruce, seconded by Michelle, Minutes of Meeting held August 7, 2012 approved.


Treasurer’s Report
Present balance:   $22,111.33
Donation received: Janice and George Roane $50.00


Old business:
Michelle contacted David at Prof Erny’s to find out if they would take an offer of settlement since their computer has had problems and they are unable to send us an accurate statement.  David requests that we provide them with the names of the parents or children, broken down by year, so that he can look up the accounts.  Bruce will prepare such a statement and take it to Prof Erny’s.


New business:
Requests from Acadian Middle School for musical instruments at follows:
 Child    Instrument         Cost    Parent25%   Shining Light
 Lorenze Harrison Percussion kit & book

                       175.00   $   43.75   $   131.25
 Morgan Benoit    Clarinet & book  $250.00  $ 62.50 $187.50
 Nicolette Hawkins Clarinet & book $250.00  $ 62.50 $187.50
 La’Bryan Parker    Clarinet & book $250.00  $ 62.50 $187.50
 Brittani Jordan   Clarinet & book $250.00  $ 62.50 $187.50
 David Chapparro  Saxophone & book $355.00 $  88.75 $ 266.25
 James Richard    Saxophone & book $355.00  $ 88.75 $
                             Total                 $ 1,413.75
On motion of John, seconded by Michelle, requests approved.  However, the request for James Richard is approved on condition that we get signatures of teacher and principal.  Michelle will contact the teacher.


Requests from Acadian Middle School for Ariel Hawkins and Dylan Arceneaux for musical instruments are denied as these students are in 7th and 8th grade, which is beyond our mission as stated in our By-Laws.  Carolyn will notify the teacher.
Cynthia reported on the two Counselors’ sessions that she and Lana attended and showed pictures taken at the sessions.  They were quite well received by the Counselors.  She has been unable to find out if or when there may be a meeting of principals.


Carolyn asked Bruce to compile a list of schools we have served in the past school year.


Discussion was held regarding subscribing to an online fax service.
On motion of Michelle, seconded by John, it was agreed that we will subscribe to an online fax service at a cost of $150.00.


Meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.


Next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 6, 2012 at 5:30 pm at the UBS Office, 1021 E. St. Mary.