MINUTES OF MEETING HELD: Monday, July 12, 2010 at 5:30 pm


LOCATION:  UBS Financial Services, 1021 E. St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA


Carolyn French, President    Sandra Wilcox
Mildred Baker, Secretary    Michael Huber
Julie Eaton      Lana Swanwick


On motion of Julie, seconded by Mike, Minutes of Meeting held Tuesday, June 1, 2010 approved.


Treasurerâ's Report
Present value: $24,710.37  - Bruce Snow, Treasurer, was unable to attend but sent Carolyn information reflecting the present balance to be $23,280.74.
Checks received today: Community Partners (Albertsons) $40.69; George, Janice and Patrick Roane $50.00; UBS Employee Giving Programs Check dated June 8, 2010 $875.00; check dated June 15, 2010 $875.00.
Junior League did not require a report in June.
Cynthia Dauphin was unable to attend today but advised she will be contacting the schools to see if Shining Light could be placed on the agenda at faculty meetings prior to or shortly after schools open in order to make principals, counselors and teachers aware of our organization and its mission.


Old Business
Discussed Measuring Reports form relating to developing statistical basis for measuring results of awards given students, that is possibly asking the teacher to score the student’s response to the event funded.


It was discussed and decided that we will help others form an organization similar to Shining Light but will not allow our name to be used.


Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm.


Next meeting will be held on Monday, August 2, 2010 at 5:30 pm at the UBS Office.


Board Members are encouraged to arrive any time after 4:30 pm and will be rewarded with a 10 minute massage as a gift from our President.