MINUTES OF MEETING HELD: Monday, October 5, 2009 at 5:30 pm


LOCATION:  UBS Financial Services, 1021 E. St. Mary Blvd., Lafayette, LA


Carolyn French, President    Julie Eaton
Mildred Baker, Secretary    Michael Huber
Michelle Izzo-Voss     Sandra Wilcox
John Broussard     Cynthia Dauphin


Guest: Marie-Lynn Martin


On motion of Julie, seconded by Cynthia, Minutes of August 31, 2009 and Minutes of September 11, 2009 approved.


Treasurer’s Report
In the absence of the Treasurer, Carolyn reported that we have $10,346 in Money Market Account and
$25, 346 in CD’s.  Corrrection: $15,000 in CD's. 
Donations received this date: Albertson’s Community Partners $53.64;
George and Janice Roane on behalf of Patrick Roane $30.00


New Business
Julie will update the new stationery.


New Applications:
Requests from Ridge Elementary School   Total   
 Steven Ramirez, trumpet, book, stand, clean kit  $234.00 less 25% = $175.50
 Katherine Lormand, trumpet,book,stand,clean kit       234.00 less 25% =  175.50


Request from Burke Elementary School
 Davlon Goff, Clarinet,book, reeds, stand,clean kit  249.00 less 25% =      186.75


On motion of John, seconded by Sandra, requests approved.


Request from Ernest Gallet Elementary School
 Trinity Thompson for instructional fee $20.00
Discussion was held and request is denied as Applications specifically state we do not pay for
standard instructional fees.


Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm.