MINUTES OF MEETING HELD: Monday, October 1, 2007 at 5:30 pm


LOCATION:  Smith Barney Office, 400 E. Kaliste Saloom, Lafayette, LA


Carolyn French, President    Sandra Wilcox
Mildred Baker, Secretary    Mike Huber
Michelle Izzo-Voss


Guest:  Shana Sampia, Band Director at S. J. Montgomery Elementary School and Lafayette High School


On motion of Michelle, seconded by Sandra, Minutes of Meeting held September 11, 2007 approved.


Guest Shana Sampia told us about her students in band at S. J. Montgomery and what an influence being afforded the opportunity to get a musical instrument meant to them.  She plans to follow up on her students after they leave Montgomery to see if they continue in band.


Treasurer’s Report
Not available.


Old Business


New Business


New Applications:
         Cost Shining Light 75%
Requests from Acadian Middle School:
 Dervonde J.Parker, Saxophone            $ 200     $ 187.50
 Martina Gibson, Flute $200, spray $7.50,cleankit $15 222.50 166.88


On motion of Michelle, seconded by Sandra, requests approved.


Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm.


Next meeting will be held on Monday, November 5, 2007 at 5:30 pm at the Smith Barney Office.