MINUTES OF MEETING HELD:    February 16, 2004                                   

LOCATION/TIME:                                                Smith Barney office, 400 E. Kaliste Saloom,

                                                                               Lafayette, La.    5:30PM to 6:30PM





Carolyn French, President                                   Michelle Izzo

Ruh Duhon, Treasurer                                                 Bruce Snow

Robert Hodge                                                            Tony Moore

Carol Mahagan                                                         John Broussard

Mike Huber – Scribe                                          


Carolyn French, President, presiding.


Copies of minutes of meeting held January 12th  distributed, reviewed and approved.



Ruth Duhon, advised the account balance is $9846.12. Advised there have been 192 grants totaling $2,488.45., including $787 rental for musical instruments. 




Website – Bruce Snow distributed out a template for the home page (attached).  Currently has 5 sections including Home, Events, About Us, Grants, Membership. And Contact Us.

Now need content as targeted 2 months for launch of website – April 16th .    Notes not complete, but believe Carolyn going to coordinate about 200 words describing what we stand for, and Michelle was going to coordinate Home, About Us and Grants? 


Bruce is waiting for approval from another foundation to use one of the pictures on the home page.  Suggestion that if this process drags on, to take a picture locally. 


Bruce will begin to look at putting the Application Form on the website.  Caution that need to put into non-changeable form. 


Yes, Mike Huber has the key to the Post office Box..




A)     Carolyn asked Ruth Duhon for total expenses for 2003.  Also requested Total Grants for 2003. 

B)      There was discussion regarding how to determine expenses for Shining Light.  There are several ways to calculate.  Bruce is going to check with a CPA friend.

C)      While developing the Shining Light website, Bruce designed a new logo.  It was approved by those in attendance.

D)      Tony Moore volunteered to make contact with a graphics artist he has worked with before regarding design and printing of new Shining Light stationary.

E)       Carol Mahagan is very close to publishing the next Newsletter.  Needs the pictures available from the Bachelor Auction .  Carolyn/Mike to find and send those that were part of an E-Mail.  Carol has the mailing list on disk.  If timing is right Carol is going to incorporate the new logo on the upcoming Newsletter.

F)       Reviewed 1 application  from Acadiana Middle School.  It was for a percussion kit at a cost of $237.60.   Tabled when thought student was 6th grader.  Roger Hodge committed to write a letter advising the school administration of the K through 5th grades parameters.  Received response that student was in 5th grade.  Robert advised the Administrators that we will review again at the March 8th meeting.  John Broussard was going to make some inquiries  relating to the value and need of the grant, and how it fits in with the Shining Light Charter. 




The next Shining Light meeting is scheduled for April 12th at 5:30 p.m. at the Smith Barney office, 400 East Kaliste Saloom Road.