LOCATION/TIME:                                 Salomon Smith Barney office, 400 E. Kaliste Saloom,

                                                                               Lafayette, La. at 5:30PM.       





Carolyn French, President                                          Julie Eaton

Michael Huber- Scribe                                              Katharine Schendel

Lou Montgomery                                                        Bruce Snow



Carolyn French, President, presiding.


Copies of minutes of meeting held May 13, 2002 were distributed, reviewed, but not formally approved.  Will do so at the September 9th, meeting.



·         Ruth Duhon, Treasurer was not present. Carolyn French passed the Salomon Smith Barney July account statement for attendees to review.  The account balance is $6384.73.

·         Carolyn reported a $10 contribution was received from Lorene Auld.  Carolyn has sent a Thank-You note.




A.  Shining Light Letterhead.


Margaret Patton made corrections to the letterhead and e-mailed to Carolyn French, and Mike Huber.  Several corrections were made and duplicates were provided by Margaret to Carolyn and Mike.  The work items still to be completed in this area.

·         Review the latest version of the letterhead, make any final revisions, and provide final approval.  (Carolyn/Mike)


·         Print the letterhead on special cream colored stationary which will be official stationary.    (Carolyn/Mike)


·         Make a file available with the official letterhead, to those that need it.  (Mike).


B.  Shining Light Logo


·         Provide ability for the Shining Light Logo and return address to be printed on labels.  Action:  (Mike)


·         Provide ability for the Shining Light Logo and return address to be printed directly on envelopes.

        Action:  (Mike)


C.  Miscellaneous


·         Carolyn reported that Melanie Martin had called her regarding the New Business item from May 13th to determine feasibility for a catfish box dinner as a fund raiser.  Melanie has an alternative to Edie’s Restaurent, that she will report on at a future meeting. 


·         A food  booth along the Mardi Gras Parade route was another fund raising idea that was discussed, and will be discussed at future meetings. Lot’s of issues!


III.  New Business


·         Katharine Schendel provided information for the attendees on Lafayette Education Foundation  (LEF) and several of the programs and projects LEF has sponsored.


·         Carolyn received a letter from the IRS informing us  that Shining Light Foundation would be classified as a Private Foundation and not a Public Foundation.  Katharine advised that this was not an issue of concern.  Carolyn contacting Robert Hodge to determine if he had received the letter and response to it.


·         The Board members present agreed not to market during the United Way Campaign.


·         Revisited the issue of sending brochures to 10 friends inviting membership in the Shining Light Foundation.  Brochures were handed out.  Letterhead stationary is needed for this campaign, but is not available.  Action: Finalize letterhead. (Carolyn/Mike)


·         Several attendees drafted a letter as an example, to accompany the brochure.  A copy is attached.  It was suggested to include current date on the letter and personalize with sender’s signature.  Attached



The next Shining Light meeting is scheduled for September 9th at 5:30 p.m. at Salomon Smith Barney office, 400 East Kaliste Saloom Road.



