MEETING DATE:             March 5, 2001


LOCATION/TIME:            Channel 10 at 6:30PM



Carolyn French            Maria Placer

Ruth Duhon                  Mellisa P. Wattigny

Mildred Baker              Mike Huber (SCRIBE)


Group made a lot of progress on reviewing and updating the Scholarship Program Guidelines:


Mission Statement;

Who is eligible to submit applications;

Qualifications for scholarship awards;

Scholarship amounts;

Time Frames;

Application format.


Attached is an initial copy of the guidelines for review at the next meeting scheduled for April 2, 2001 at 6:30PM.


ACTION ITEMS:  No responsibility for the action items was assigned, as they will be discussed further at the next meeting.

a)      Shining Light account at Salomon Smith Barney changed to allow for check writing. 

Carolyn has completed.

b) Review the Bylaws.  Some progress at March 5th meeting. 

c) Samples of application prototypes for teachers to fill out. Some progress at March 5th meeting.  Maria will provide copies of several formats.

d) Consider year 1 goals Vs 5-year goals.  Some discussion, but still needs to be documented.

e) Identify top 5 funding sources.   Needs discussion and documentation.

f) Telephone Committee – Mildred and Ruth volunteered


MEETINGS:  First Monday of each month.  Next meeting April 2, 2001.





  There was discussion at the February meeting with regard to Shining Light becoming an organizational unit within LEF.  Shining Light will continue to have as its mission to help school children with specific educational needs.  Katharine advised that she needs to discuss the possibility with the LEF Board.


Ed Bowie made some good points with regard to Shining Light having to prove itself, the need for an efficient and consistent way for the mission of Shining Light, and the procedures for applying for funds to reach the teachers.   


A method to reimburse teachers who cover an expense before Shining Light has been able to approve and send the scholarship dollars, was discussed. 


Paying the expense for an entire class is not part of the mission.